IMPACTability fights for equal access to employment opportunities for college students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities are enrolling in college at rates higher than ever before.
Only 25% of undergraduate college students with disabilities obtain a job upon graduation from a 4-year institution.
With national ambition to do our part to improve this statistic,
IMPACTability pursues our mission at the largest urban university system in the United States.
We empower students to break through workforce barriers and open doors
with our career readiness and mentoring certificate program, CareerReady!
Students with disabilities are enrolling in college at rates higher than ever before.
Only 25% of undergraduate college students with disabilities obtain a job upon graduation from a 4-year institution.
With national ambition to do our part to improve this statistic,
IMPACTability pursues our mission at the largest urban university system in the United States.
We empower students to break through workforce barriers and open doors
with our career readiness and mentoring certificate program, CareerReady!